Flame of Healing Chapters:
The concept of a fire forms the tangible connection of this devotional. It follows
2 Timothy 1:6, to "fan into flame the gift of God." God places in each person a
gift, to be blessed and to bless others. Abuse and trauma immobilizes that
beauty. Taking these small steps toward healing, while soaking in the love of
God, is both courageous and life-changing.
Chapter 1. Receiving God's Love
The very first step is to allow yourself to receive God's love. Scripture is replete
with verses that affirm how much God loves you. When abuse or trauma occurs,
it may feel like there is no love, anywhere. This is the white hot core of the fire,
God's precious love for you.
From Chapter 1, #14
The triune God knew you and loved you, even before you were born. He set you apart, from all your pain, from all your sorrow, to be
holy before Him. Through this healing process, He is fulfilling His glorious purpose and is joyful in your steps toward healing. Lean into
His grace and His full knowledge of your heart.
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5a
Write down your thoughts and feelings of His love and knowledge of you, His child.
Chapter 2. Suffering, Through the Perspective of Christ
This is the most challenging chapter because it is an exploration of Scripture's truths concerning suffering. This is the fuel of the fire. Without wood, coal, or other fuel, there would be no fire. The suffering you have gone
through makes you the persona you are, with strengths you may not even know about. Through the perspective
of Christ and His love for you, the horrendous searing pain of your suffering is allowed to subside and begin the
process of healing.
From Chapter 2, #63
The Lord hears your desperate cry for healing. He is there to rescue you from the evil you experienced. He will lift the oppressive evil
and release you to the fullness of His Good Will for your life. In the process of healing, the Lord will hear every cry of pain and will meet
each need with His divine provision of healing. Allow yourself to cry out to Him.
"You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless
and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the Earth, may terrify no more." Psalm 10:17, 18
Write a prayer of need to your God; allow yourself to cry out to Him.
Chapter 3. Identifying and Accepting Emotions
The final four chapters are the yellow, orange, and red hues of the flame, the healing warmth of God's blessings.
Emotions surrounding issues of abuse and trauma are often shoved down, ignored, or denied. Scripture offers
foundational support for learned to allow the emotions to surface and process them in the wonderful
compassion and love of God.
From Chapter 3, #129
The Holy Spirit is with you every moment. If fear grips your heart, lean on His divine comfort. The Spirit knows your struggle against
fear; you can put your trust in Him. Rest in His comfort as a child lazily swings in a backyard swing. He will take the fear and remove it
from you, replacing it with peace and joy - all because of His love for you.
"And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear." Haggai 2:5b
Without any pressure to draw well, try to sketch yourself resting in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Take a moment to ponder that the
Holy Spirit is with you.
Chapter 4. Forgiveness, A Process of Grace
Scripture reveals a lot about forgiveness. One of the most profound truths is that forgiveness is a process of
removing yourself as judge over the individual(s) who have caused suffering in your life and allowing God to be
the ultimate judge for every act and every person. It is placing your trust in Him to judge righteously and
releasing yourself from the constraint of being judge over others. It is a very freeing process and allows you to
focus on the beauty and love of life.
From Chapter 4, #186
Jesus paid the price for every sin that was ever committed. It is up to each individual to accept that Jesus pain the penalty for all sin, or
to ultimately stand before the judgement of the Holy God. When you seek to forgive someone who hurt you, you are not removing
their responsibility for their sin. Only Christ, in His gift of salvation, is able to do that. You are, however, removing yourself from the
grip of their sin. It is then between that person and God. It is like removing yourself from a waterfall of angry and hurtful actions.
"Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29b
Write about stepping out of the cascading memories of the hurt you suffered and walking into a safe place with Christ, through the
miracle of the forgiving process.
Chapter 5. Your Identity in Christ, Rather than Victimization
The most profound step of healing is to release the personal identification with victimization and embrace your
new identity in Christ. In His grace and love, you are made a new creation, beautiful, free, and able to live in joy.
From Chapter 5, #282
You have a glorious freedom in Christ. You are free from the burden of your past and from the victimization of your spirit. Your entire
life is defined differently now, by the grace of Christ rather than by the pain you once lived through. Do not ever allow the old slave
tapes of your life as a victim, box you into a corner. Stand firm on the Word of God, His promises, His Presence and His love. Do not
waiver or even take one step back to that old life of victimization. Hold onto the grace that Christ has given you. Take new steps of
boldness in His power, with grace and love always going with you.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again
by a yoke of slavery." Galations 5:1
Write about your freedom in Christ.
Chapter 6. Beyond Pain, Reaching Out to Others
The final step of healing is to really fan into flame that gift that God has placed in you. It is the process of moving
beyond your what was your life of pain to not only embrace your new identity in Christ, but to reach out to help,
encourage, and bless others. Scripture is your foundation for a life of purpose, joy, and relationship with God
and humanity.
From Chapter 6, #332
It is delightful to realize that God is the Lord of the Harvest. It is His work in the hearts of hurting people that brings about the harvest
of salvation. It is an honor to participate as a worker in such a harvest! As you are stretching forth to be a worker in God's great harvest,
pray that God would lift up many to work with you. You will have new opportunities for fellowship in the body of Christ, as you open
yourself to ministry. There will be many blessings as you join in the harvest.
"Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. As the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.' " Matthew 9:37, 38
Write how God is encouraging you to be a worker in His harvest field.