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A New Way of Writing

I have been really blessed by a way of praying, called Listening Prayer. It is simply quieting your soul and listening to whatever God  wants you to hear. It may come as only a word, or a picture, or perhaps a thought of Scripture. It is the very first thought that pops into your head. Then, continue - asking what is it about that initial theme that He wants to lead you into. Practicing this way of prayer is deeply profound. It recently occurred to me that perhaps I should begin sharing my own listening prayer experiences. I am a writer; I always write as I hear the Lord. When it is completed, I am always overwhelmingly blessed. 


After just a few weeks of writing my Listening Prayers, I have realized that indeed, this is the beginning of a new devotional. I have been having some health issues, which have made my thinking a bit difficult. It is very challenging to think through the intricacies of writing a novel or doing the research it takes to write a non-fiction book. However, I am able to listen to the Lord and type what I hear. This has been a beautiful awakening for me.  I will continue to write these and create a new devotional book as soon as possible. The following is just a hint of what God is doing in me!!


July 24, 2024It is very natural that your focus has been on what can be seen, touched, tasted, and heard. I created your senses for your enjoyment of life. Just as you learned as a baby how to feel your toes and later, to choose your clothing and dress yourself, you are now learning a new aspect of the life I created for you. It is the profound, immense, spiritual connection with My Presence. This is available to you because you have sought me; I remember you saying, “I need you in my life, God, every moment and every day.” It blessed me to come into your life and begin this fellowship. It has not mattered one bit that the process of learning about spiritual life with me takes what may seem to you a long time. I am not limited by the concept of time; I am patient and full of compassion for you. I will not rush you. Remember, the hope I give is eternal – with no limitations and no demands. I lead by helping you to see clearly the truths that your choices reveal, the truth deep within your heart. As you listen and learn, your choices will become more holy because you are spending time in my Holy Presence. We are both blessed!

​“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people…”  Ephesians 1:18


July 23, 2024

I am teaching you to listen only to me. It is a challenging lesson for one who has listened to the cacophony of voices that come at you and responded so quickly, based solely on emotions. Listening for my voice, you will be more willing to set aside worry and concerns, even assumptions, to hear the absolute truth I bring to your life. In My Presence, you will experience peace; my love and grace will be the only thing that matters. Lean into my love – allow the troubles that encompass your existence fade; they are like pebbles that can either tickle your feet or feel like shards of glass. Experience life with me; allow yourself to be immersed in my love.


“By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me — a prayer to the God of my life.”  Psalm 42:8


July 22, 2024         (Today, my focus wondered; how wonderful it is to come into His Presence again!)

How quickly your focus wanders from my love and grace to the daily stuff that invariably causes your faith to be wobbly! I am with you in every hardship; holding you close to me, even though you may not perceive it. When the stress eases and the strong emotions subside, then you are able to sense My Presence. I love it when you come close to me and fellowship with me; it is such a precious unity; I want to give you more and more, as much as you can receive. I also give you the freedom to make your own choices each day, even though often you get caught up in stilted, wavering choices that do not have the results you were hoping for. I am ever ready when you seek me, to lift you up, build up your faith, and satisfy your every need, as you place your trust in me.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3:5,6


July 21, 2024

Explore for a moment what life eternal with me is like. There are no boundaries, no limitations, only unending wonders. The awful things that kept you bound in pain are dismantled in my grace and love. Reach forward to anticipate, even in the time you experience life on earth, the fulfillment of the longing of your heart for absolute joy and tremendous peace.


“We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His Holy Name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.”  Psalm 33:20-22


July 20, 2024

When you choose fellowship with me, there is open communication between us. I am teaching you to be more sensitive to my wisdom and to receive it easier. It was easy for you to have a knee-jerk reaction in your humanness; however, you are beginning to explore not only how to listen, but also how to receive. I offer daily support for the things you are facing, insights to help you prepare for what is ahead, and peace in the midst of what could be very traumatizing. My wisdom helps you understand that looking beyond what you see and feel will reveal the truth of situations that arise every day. There is often much hidden, which is difficult to identify unless patience, perseverance, and compassion are a part of the endeavor. By choosing to listen to the wisdom I impart, you are empowered to hesitate when negative emotions arise so easily and explore the truth. The door to a positive, reasonable response opens to you because you are listening and learning. This is the fruit of our fellowship; my love and grace flows not only to you, but through you to others.


“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:5


July 19, 2024

When you enter My Presence, I will speak to you. It will never be loud; I speak with wisdom, which is full of compassion, knowledge, and great power, but devoid of any demeaning, demanding tyranny. As you listen, the extent which you receive and incorporate into your life the things I speak is utterly your choice. Our fellowship is unique, just as exceptional as individual snowflakes, each with beauty and intricately fashioned. I will impart to you a more ample range of comprehension, emotion, and compassion as we share time together. This is just the beginning of our eternal relationship; it will ever grow and blossom, with my love and glory in the center.


“When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me.”  Psalm 138:3


July 18, 2024

It is a very good choice when you come into my Presence. I am always near, but I respect your choices. I love spending time with you, pouring my love over you like a thick, slow-moving waterfall. My love sends a wave of tingles throughout your body and fills your soul with wisdom and peace. Where there was once agitation, there is now only joy in the fellowship we have. My joy is personal with you, as with any who choose My Presence. No one can fully experience the joy you have; they must choose individually to seek out the tender fellowship – it is readily available for the asking. This joy doesn’t cost and doesn’t fade; it grows exponentially with the continuing choice to lean into My Presence. It honors me when you choose to do so.


“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  Psalm 16:11


July 17, 2024

Set aside the values you’ve held so tightly; they are based on the pain you’ve suffered. They are like very tiny marbles rolling around your life, messing up the foundation you have been seeking in me. Allow me to impart new values, which are solid, holy, vibrant, and exciting. Let go of the old and delve into all I have for you; it will feel like swimming in a cool mountain lake on a hot summer afternoon – a bit shocking at first, but then you will feel like you are frolicking in the freshness I bring. You will hardly even notice the word “values.” Your foundation will form so easily; it will become like what life should be, for indeed it is. This new, holy foundation is full of trust, my Holy Presence, and absolute joy.


“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.” Psalm 89:14,1


July 16, 2024

Listening Prayer is very real for me. Currently, I have a season of my life in which I need to embrace rest and not be in fear of what my body is experiencing. The neurologist is testing for low pressure in my brain. Rest is the first form of care while the testing is completed. The Lord is absolutely with me, helping me to be at peace.


Learn about my rest; it is so much more than the cessation of activity. Allow yourself to explore my holy rest. It is about trust, leaning into my love so much that worry has no place to land in your soul. My rest is deeper and more profound than anything you have ever experienced. You will have even more opportunity to fellowship with me; your spirit is quieted, open to My Spirit. Enter in with joy. You are my joy.


“ ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ ”  Matthew 11:28-30


July 15, 2024

Hold yourself close to me; do not let fear seep into your existence. Focus on my love and my wisdom for your life, rather than the swirling knots of violence, instability, and worry, that could consume you if you allow it. Lean into me, for in My Presence you will experience hope and peace in the midst of a world filled with despair. Languish in every moment of beauty I surround you with, whether it is in music, family, friends, nature, or precious surprises I give you. By living every moment in fellowship with My Spirit, you will stand strong for the righteousness I have called you to do. You will have great courage, when others may cower because they are stuck in their fear. It begins with the personal choice to cling to me and deny fear to enter your daily walking, running, sitting, talking, singing, and especially, thinking. My love for you is everlasting and worthy of your trust.


“Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.”  Psalm 112:6-8


July 14, 2024

Shift your perspective, from the stilted, unmovable attitudes you have held since childhood, to a level that seems intangible – but in reality is merely a step into my Presence. Allow me to speak into your life, spreading wisdom into the everyday decisions that are before you. Even the deeper questions, the ones that have caused you angst, can be delved into by soaking in my Holy Spirit. Open your mind, not to the higher level of consciousness, as some would promote, but to the holy level of experiencing life as it was intended, in sweet fellowship – The Almighty and the one He created, you. With every step toward me you choose to take, our tender relationship will go deeper and more profound. It has already begun… I am pouring out my holiness all over you, loving you.


“However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’ — the things God has prepared for those who love him — these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.”  1 Corinthians 2:9,10​

July 13, 2024

When things seem to fall apart, run to me. If your body is hurting, take time to rest. Resting is not abdicating life; it is allowing my regenerative love to pour into every area of pain and also into the deep recesses of your spirit, rooting out pain you didn’t even know existed. Rest in me, in the glory that is me. Allow my Presence to meet your every need. Give yourself permission to humble yourself, admitting how profoundly you need me, and then – when I offer my love, which is saturated with healing power, receive it totally into your body, soul, and spirit.


“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”  Psalm 91:1


July 12, 2024

Seek me with your whole heart, for I have been seeking you with mine. Relationship is intimate, that is into-me-see. It is deep profound sharing, one with the other. I long to pour into you the deep love and wisdom I have, prepared and waiting for you to simply ask. I know your pain and long to impart to you ways of easing the sharpness and using it to your benefit. I specialize in transforming rotten things into things of absolute beauty and resilience. As you receive my love and wisdom, your life will become bolder and more profound. Everyday issues will take their place as mere stepping-stones to the glory I have prepared for you.


“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  Matthew 6:33


July 11, 2024

Let go of yourself, your hurts, concerns, and longings. I created you with a strong sense of trust; however, because you’ve been hurt, trust is more difficult now. Come to me as the little child you were, who had complete trust and frolicked through the fields. Place your trust in me; I am worthy of your trust. I hold you dear to my heart. When hard things happen around you and even to you, I will transform them to be the strengthening bond of your soul. Therefore, there is nothing to fear; my love will sustain you, blessing you and giving you profound strength, that you may share that love to all who know you. You are precious, my child.


“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ”  Matthew 19:14


July 10, 2024

Spend time with me; listen to my Words – in  your thoughts, your heart, and your eyes. Tune out all the extraneous stuff and soak in the holiness of my Presence.​

My love is an on-going river; it never stops coming to you, nor does it diminish in intensity as you experience it. Walk into its depth without fear; it will not overtake you, but will clean every cell of your body, every aspect that is not ever seen – even by a microscope. I made you and my love cleanses you. The river of my love will refresh you, revitalize you, and greatly enhance your own ability to love. It will take you to places you would have never known, if you had not immersed yourself in my love. You will be blessed; you will also bless many others, so many that the number would overwhelm you to even imagine – all because you chose my love to guide you. The river of my love will transform your very existence, from a dependence upon the natural, physical realm, to a new, vibrant, wildly exciting life of living every moment deeply embedded in holy love.


“How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.”  Psalm 36:7-9


Sharing Your Prayer

If you would like to share your prayer, or how prayer blesses you, or even how it is that you pray, send me a note ( and I will add it here:

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