Writing is creative,
and a lot of work.
A part of my personal commitment to courageously stepping forth into the world of being an author is being available to help others with their efforts to publish. Often, writing a book is a life-long project and trying to get a book published is like walking to the moon by trying to step on one cloud, then the next.
I have helped family and friends to publish 6 books:
Good Samaritan Ministries - 1) A Need for Understanding, 2) The Youth Speak Out, 3) Samaritans Along the Way, and in the final steps toward publication, 4) Cast Down, but Not Forsaken - A biography of Teresa Stroup, Executive Director of Good Samaritan Ministries.
Bettie Mitchell Gaerisch - Live Life to the Fullest
Vicki Holland - Wisdom of God to a Willing Heart.
I have personally struggled with not only just the process of writing and editing, striving for the very best,
but also the process of publication, and especially now, the daunting exercise of marketing my books.
It is my endeavor to help other authors in whatever way I am able, to encourage their efforts.
If you are a struggling author, please contact me! fredaemmons@gmail.com
Working together can be really great, like a summer morning!